
Results: November 2023 Poetry

Results for Game 376
Title Author Score Rank
Round One Round Two Round Three Round One Round Two Round Three
Entry 62844 Selena Spier 4.8 4.56 4.31 24 6 1
Entry 62376 Member 27491 6 4.55 4.29 1 7 2
Poems for my Sister Joanne Monte 5 4.25 4.27 13 15 3
Entry 62905 Member 22889 4.8 5.18 4.25 25 1 4
Entry 62909 Pamela Wax 5.4 5 4.2 6 2 5
Entry 62888 Ana Reisens 4.5 4.44 3.57 38 10 6
The Art of Grief Rick Ackerly 5 4.82 3.33 12 4 7
Entry 62814 Member 1627 4 4.89 3.22 61 3 8
from Assisted Living Mark Yakich 5.67 4.64 2.98 4 5 9
Entry 62729 Bridget Kriner 4.4 4.44 2.94 41 11 10
Most Times It Was At... & Other Poems Keegan Shepherd 4.75 4.33 2.9 27 13 11
Poems for Sixfold Alaina Goodrich 4.17 4.2 2.89 53 16 12
Full Wolf Moon George Longenecker 5 4.27 2.81 9 14 13
Entry 62727 Hailey Young 3 4.5 2.62 110 8 14
Swimming on My Side (disqualified) LuAnn Keener-Mikenas 3.67 4.45 0 69 9 15
Entry 62531 (disqualified) Rebecca Loggia 3 4.36 0 103 12 16
Five Aubades Member 29754 4.2 4.11 0 47 17 17
New Poems about Old Things Member 1553 5.67 4.1 0 3 18 18
Entry 62889 Member 29709 5.17 4.1 0 8 19 19
Compilation grace (logan) 1 4.1 0 164 20 20
Entry 62846 Samantha Imperi 5 4 0 16 21 21
Poems Without Birds Member 26154 4.75 4 0 28 22 22
Forever Bound Doret Canton 4.67 4 0 31 23 23
unlighten Nicole Adabunu 4.4 4 0 40 24 24
Poetry Submission Kayla Heinze 4.4 4 0 42 25 25
Collage Richard Baldo 4.2 4 0 48 26 26
Saved and other poems Alex Eve 4.17 4 0 52 27 27
Entry 62871 Robert Michael Oliver 4 4 0 63 28 28
Bird Habits Kendra Brooks 4.67 3.9 0 30 29 29
"What Have We Lost?" - A collection Sarah Hilburn 4.25 3.82 0 44 30 30
Questing Freedom: From Striving toward Essence James Whitt 4 3.82 0 62 31 31
Cinema Verite George Amabile 5 3.8 0 17 32 32
Entry 62943 Member 10400 5 3.75 0 21 33 33
In the Garden Katherine Arthaud 4.5 3.75 0 34 34 34
Elegy Marili G. Reilly 5.33 3.7 0 7 35 35
Entry 62426 Member 29925 2 3.7 0 141 36 36
Hush up Hady 'bout Preacher Reach & That Stupid Poem Ian Taylor Presnell 4.2 3.67 0 50 37 37
The Subtlety of Surroundings & other poems Georgia Eggers 4 3.67 0 65 38 38
THE PARTICIPATION TROPHY Ronald Nitke 3 3.67 0 116 39 39
Entry 62584 Member 30028 2 3.62 0 143 40 40
Higher Power m 5 3.6 0 19 41 41
Fragments Of Existence William Sims 3 3.56 0 113 42 42
Red (One Poem in Eight Parts) Elaine Greenwood 5.4 3.55 0 5 43 43
We Other Americans Member 16508 5 3.55 0 20 44 44
Entry 62656 Member 30123 4.5 3.5 0 36 45 45
The Gifted Child Daniel Brown 5 3.4 0 18 46 46
Five Stories Globiana Globiana 4.5 3.4 0 35 47 47
Symmetrical Poems Joshua Kepfer 3 3.38 0 106 48 48
Random Thoughts William French 5 3.36 0 14 49 49
Prosthetic Poems Barton Schulte 3 3.33 0 119 50 50
tryingtobegood & other poems Pigeon Boes 4.17 3.27 0 51 51 51
Pink Lady Emma McCandless 4.75 3.25 0 26 52 52
My Humanity is Boiling Over Member 10221 4.25 3.22 0 45 53 53
Entry 62461 Miranda Pratt 5 3.2 0 11 54 54
seurat Rachel D 4.5 3.2 0 33 55 55
Loneliness (Nov '22 - Mar '23) Member 29481 2 3.18 0 138 56 56
The Disillusionment of a Marriage Member 29641 4.25 3.14 0 46 57 57
Entry 62927 Member 7161 3.33 3.11 0 90 58 58
Excerpts from The Beast Edison Hicks 3 3.11 0 117 59 59
The H(a)unting Pauline Chu 3.33 3.1 0 88 60 60
Entry 62523 Member 10161 1.5 3.09 0 163 61 61
Renewable Resources & Other Mordant Poems Member 7444 3.67 3 0 71 62 62
Things Are Bad Michael Fleming 3 3 0 118 63 63
Entry 62843 Member 30366 2 3 0 151 64 64
Good Words Sarah Louise 1.5 3 0 161 65 65
Sixfold submission October 2023 James Ph. Kotsybar 5 2.9 0 15 66 66
Entry 62324 Member 29398 4.33 2.88 0 43 67 67
Let Them Be Ready. Caleb Delos-Santos 3.67 2.7 0 72 68 68
STIR UP THE WATERS, MAKE WAVES Shari Kaplan 3 2.7 0 108 69 69
Unorganized Thoughts in Four Poems Ben Neelin 4.67 2.67 0 29 70 70
3 Poems Jake Kulju 4.5 2.64 0 32 71 71
Four Hours Catherine Ellbogen 4 2.64 0 55 72 72
A Life in Progress Kayley Bryson 4.2 2.45 0 49 73 73
The Night - A Collection of Poems Member 30096 3 2.44 0 107 74 74
her fanciful collection of insects and other friends Sora Teramoto 4.4 2.3 0 39 75 75
Every Leaf Was Green Adam Hankins 4 2.29 0 54 76 76
poems Ron Renchler 2 2.25 0 150 77 77
Becoming Member 30040 4.8 2.22 0 23 78 78
Multiple Works in PDF Jonathan Reeves 3.67 2.2 0 70 79 79
Bite down and other poems Marina Ramirez 2.33 2.2 0 133 80 80
Protest Oak Morse 1.67 2.1 0 156 81 81
A Sad Old Man With A Sad Old Plan Member 30215 2 1.22 0 146 82 82
THE SEA Midas Max-conton 2 1.09 0 139 83 83
Sprout and other Odes (disqualified) Prana Joy Mandoe 5.67 0 0 2 84 84
Statements (disqualified) Member 29885 5 0 0 10 85 85
Entry 62496 (disqualified) Member 29965 4.83 0 0 22 86 86
3 Poems (disqualified) Madison Mcphaill 4.5 0 0 37 87 87
This Poet's Journey George Vendura 4 0 0 56 88 88
2:48 and Other Poems Kaitlin McNamara 4 0 0 57 89 89
Time is a Thief Lindsay Rocca 4 0 0 58 90 90
Entry 62645 Member 30135 4 0 0 59 91 91
Entry 62716 Member 13973 4 0 0 60 92 92
Entry 62337 Christa Fairbrother 4 0 0 64 93 93
(Re)birthdays: A Celebration of Recovering Species Hannah Harder 3.8 0 0 66 94 94
Flashbacks of a Father Alexis Frueh 3.75 0 0 67 95 95
Entry 62439 Member 11286 3.75 0 0 68 96 96
Ruminations During the Morning Hour Elvins Artiles 3.6 0 0 73 97 97
Truth Rose Hewald 3.6 0 0 74 98 98
Entry 62349 Member 1945 3.5 0 0 75 99 99
Entry 62493 Blake Foster 3.5 0 0 76 100 100
unlovable dramatics Persephone Stylet 3.5 0 0 77 101 101
Not So Common Anymore Member 29924 3.5 0 0 78 102 102
Entry 62632 Member 5494 3.5 0 0 79 103 103
Redness is Bliss Jacob Hicks 3.5 0 0 80 104 104
Entry 62700 Member 30222 3.5 0 0 81 105 105
On a Sunday violet sunday 3.5 0 0 82 106 106
Entry 62723 Member 27587 3.5 0 0 83 107 107
Entry 62519 Member 29966 3.4 0 0 84 108 108
A life almost lived Michael Dybvik 3.4 0 0 85 109 109
Chorus, Elliptic, The Perfection of Love, Fallen, August David Ruekberg 3.4 0 0 86 110 110
The Android Reads His Verses and other poems Nigel Woodhead 3.4 0 0 87 111 111
The Wall (disqualified) R.C. Coakley 3.33 0 0 89 112 112
Strange Connections Sunny Nagpaul 3.25 0 0 91 113 113
Echoes and Inquisitions Michael Witkowski 3.25 0 0 92 114 114
Entry 62620 Joseph Karr 3.25 0 0 93 115 115
“Creep” by Radiohead/Pup Play/Crib Member 30141 3.25 0 0 94 116 116
The Pity Party Is Over Mandy R 3.25 0 0 95 117 117
Shade Sonnets, Sung Member 7819 3.25 0 0 96 118 118
5 Poems Member 5937 3.25 0 0 97 119 119
Wild Mind Member 29185 3.25 0 0 98 120 120
Entry 62532 Triyudho Wicaksono 3.2 0 0 99 121 121
Night of the Lunar Eclipse snethen snethen 3 0 0 100 122 122
Entry 62399 Christiane Erickson 3 0 0 101 123 123
Entry 62436 Jim Pascual Agustin 3 0 0 102 124 124
Surviving Loss Member 30024 3 0 0 104 125 125
Distance Over Time (disqualified) Eshawn Rawlley 3 0 0 105 126 126
Summer's Over Member 30202 3 0 0 109 127 127
Noble Cause Member 30277 3 0 0 111 128 128
Entry 62721 Anthony Ringuette 3 0 0 112 129 129
Betting on Red and Black Alyssa Blangin 3 0 0 114 130 130
In A World Rich Pfeiffer 3 0 0 115 131 131
Four Poems K. William Gray 2.8 0 0 120 132 132
The Signs They All Ignored & others Rory Kohansky 2.8 0 0 121 133 133
The World is as Good as it is Bad Zoe Wooten 2.75 0 0 122 134 134
Entry 62562 Kelly Applegate 2.75 0 0 123 135 135
Entry 62391 Member 1 2.75 0 0 124 136 136
Photo Albums Peter Kaczmarczyk 2.67 0 0 125 137 137
Goodbye for now & Other Poems Dana Sirois 2.6 0 0 126 138 138
Entry 62526 Member 9938 2.6 0 0 127 139 139
The Swan Sarah Palmer 2.6 0 0 128 140 140
Poems Written By A Class Clown Travis Hailes 2.5 0 0 129 141 141
Good Theater Danielle Benvenuto 2.5 0 0 130 142 142
Cat Poems John Delaney 2.5 0 0 131 143 143
Entry 62609 Member 12417 2.4 0 0 132 144 144
Entry 62468 Member 29941 2.25 0 0 134 145 145
Entry 62374 Member 9791 2.25 0 0 135 146 146
21 Roses MELINDA NEVAREZ 2.2 0 0 136 147 147
Platina Carolus Charles Reed 2.2 0 0 137 148 148
poetry submission (disqualified) Member 29867 2 0 0 140 149 149
A Suite of Five John RC Potter 2 0 0 142 150 150
Love Poems Lisa Johnson 2 0 0 144 151 151
words I cannot speak charles p calvert 2 0 0 145 152 152
The House & The Hill and Others Tanya Adkins 2 0 0 147 153 153
HOME POEMS - for Young Readers Sara Fymme 2 0 0 148 154 154
Of Love, Loss, and Recovery Member 30330 2 0 0 149 155 155
Tights Ulrika Andersson 2 0 0 152 156 156
Stubborn Strong (disqualified) Craig Matheson 2 0 0 153 157 157
The Millennial Wife Member 30207 1.75 0 0 154 158 158
Entry 62850 Member 30081 1.75 0 0 155 159 159
A Penny for a Marble Member 3639 1.6 0 0 157 160 160
My moody confessional Angel Quin 1.6 0 0 158 161 161
(title in document) Member 30413 1.6 0 0 159 162 162
Poetry 21-22 Sara Martinez 1.5 0 0 160 163 163
A Collection of Dates Emily Varvel 1.5 0 0 162 164 164
Gifts from the Shadow World (disqualified) edward ziegler 0 0 0 165 165 165
oh lord, do you hear? (disqualified) jeremy connor 0 0 0 166 166 166
Five poems for Sixfold - Summer 2023 (disqualified) Laura Turnbull 0 0 0 167 167 167
5 Poems by Lucille Medalis (disqualified) Lucille Medalis 0 0 0 168 168 168
Poems from Not Waving (disqualified) Sharon Kennedy-Nolle 0 0 0 169 169 169
Hungry poems (disqualified) Vivian Lipson 0 0 0 170 170 170
The Frog (disqualified) Diana Auer 0 0 0 171 171 171
We All Fall Down (disqualified) Member 29726 0 0 0 172 172 172
Said The Needle To The Skein (disqualified) Member 29727 0 0 0 173 173 173
Reflections (disqualified) Clarence Allan Ebert 0 0 0 230 230 230
Epitaph (disqualified) Russell Murray 0 0 0 174 174 174
SCENES IN BETWEEN A CURSE AND DREAM (disqualified) JAMAAL ROCKE 0 0 0 175 175 175
Poetry Submission- Anushree (disqualified) Member 29742 0 0 0 176 176 176
Sixfold Submission (disqualified) Veronica Rhoten 0 0 0 177 177 177
The Fawn (disqualified) Monique Durant 0 0 0 179 179 179
Five Rondeaus After Albert Giraud (disqualified) Ed Block 0 0 0 178 178 178
The Struggle Begins 7/8/23 - 7/10/23 (disqualified) Member 29756 0 0 0 180 180 180
My Uncle George (disqualified) Member 29757 0 0 0 181 181 181
For Those Who Fear the Known (disqualified) Shakia Shine 0 0 0 182 182 182
Entry 62282 (disqualified) Sarah Davis 0 0 0 183 183 183
Three poems by me (disqualified) Member 29794 0 0 0 184 184 184
Beauty (disqualified) Member 29793 0 0 0 185 185 185
petit maman (disqualified) celina azebeokhai 0 0 0 186 186 186
beautiful monster (disqualified) Catherine Ma 0 0 0 187 187 187
Baptism by Wonka (disqualified) Olivia Manes 0 0 0 188 188 188
t_0 - Collection of Poems [2/24/23 - 6/5/23] (disqualified) Member 29813 0 0 0 233 233 233
the gilded cage (disqualified) Member 29851 0 0 0 189 189 189
Double-Wide (disqualified) James Owens 0 0 0 190 190 190
The hopeless (disqualified) Member 29859 0 0 0 191 191 191
Midnight Creature (disqualified) Rucio Panza 0 0 0 192 192 192
you, me, and love (disqualified) Member 29861 0 0 0 215 215 215
I Speak Archetypes (disqualified) Jeffrey Morel 0 0 0 193 193 193
Entry 62355 (disqualified) Member 29876 0 0 0 194 194 194
Five Birdsongs in the Rain (disqualified) Ada Pendill 0 0 0 195 195 195
Entry 62360 (disqualified) Member 29880 0 0 0 196 196 196
Poems (disqualified) Member 29895 0 0 0 197 197 197
FRUIT FLY (disqualified) Al Hargrave-Jackson 0 0 0 198 198 198
The Bounty Women (disqualified) Timothy McBride 0 0 0 199 199 199
Discrepancy (disqualified) Member 29914 0 0 0 200 200 200
To Leave/Everything I’ll Know (disqualified) Molly Chakery 0 0 0 201 201 201
alphabet soup and more (disqualified) Rozann Kraus 0 0 0 202 202 202
Fun in My Ear (disqualified) Joey Kirby 0 0 0 203 203 203
Coffee Stains (disqualified) Daria Bennett 0 0 0 204 204 204
Earth, Water, and Sunlight: A Poetry Collection (disqualified) Remy Beauchamp 0 0 0 205 205 205
here is the deepest secret nobody knows (disqualified) Kallan Wood 0 0 0 206 206 206
With The Lion (disqualified) Greg Hart 0 0 0 207 207 207
Angle of Ascent and Others (disqualified) Terry Cole 0 0 0 208 208 208
Some Months Just Like to Play (disqualified) Janis Aldridge 0 0 0 209 209 209
Sink Song & Others (disqualified) Virginia Villa 0 0 0 210 210 210
Under the Banner of (Whose) Freedom? (disqualified) Member 29839 0 0 0 211 211 211
Entry 62497 (disqualified) Member 27562 0 0 0 212 212 212
Apparently Bellicose and Others (disqualified) Mia N 0 0 0 213 213 213
Entry 62518 (disqualified) Member 29967 0 0 0 214 214 214
2 Poems (disqualified) Alana Cohen 0 0 0 216 216 216
Buckle Up, Transgender Fear (disqualified) Rowan Evans 0 0 0 217 217 217
Camouflage (disqualified) Member 29998 0 0 0 218 218 218
Dear Fate (disqualified) Robert Schatz 0 0 0 219 219 219
What You Dont See (disqualified) Emma Jane 0 0 0 220 220 220
Estranged Affection (disqualified) Giampiero Scattolon 0 0 0 221 221 221
16 Going on 60 (disqualified) Sophia Broz 0 0 0 222 222 222
Poetry (disqualified) Justin Morris 0 0 0 223 223 223
Entry 62631 (disqualified) Ceilidh Donaldson 0 0 0 224 224 224
Human nature (disqualified) Danaiya Odom 0 0 0 225 225 225
Hunting (disqualified) Member 30129 0 0 0 226 226 226
Family Portrait (disqualified) Adam Summers 0 0 0 227 227 227
Back Down These Notches (disqualified) Param Nayar 0 0 0 228 228 228
sometimes beauty is the only thing that matters (disqualified) Member 25787 0 0 0 229 229 229
Leisure (disqualified) Summer Swindle 0 0 0 231 231 231
yesterday i saw a house (disqualified) Evan Klingler 0 0 0 232 232 232
Buried Song, etc. (disqualified) Michael Opperman 0 0 0 234 234 234
Vanessa Bell (disqualified) Barbara Jones 0 0 0 235 235 235
5 Poems in a Shadow Spiral (disqualified) Member 30364 0 0 0 236 236 236
Vacant Sanctuary (disqualified) Gillian Freebody 0 0 0 237 237 237
En/folded (disqualified) Kate Leboff 0 0 0 238 238 238
Five poems (disqualified) Member 30336 0 0 0 239 239 239
Strangers (disqualified) Bobby Simons 0 0 0 240 240 240
words for you (disqualified) Member 29679 0 0 0 241 241 241