
Results: November 2017 Fiction

Results for Game 327
Title Author Score Rank
Round One Round Two Round Three Round One Round Two Round Three
Entry 53338 Member 8967 4.5 4.8 4.55 44 1 1
Bala H. Fry 5.2 4.5 4.29 14 5 2
Our Last Summer at the Lake Slater Welte 5.2 4.5 3.95 13 4 3
Bread and Water G. Bernhard Smith 4.75 4.5 3.93 34 6 4
The Bus Driver Sarah Blanchard 5.25 4.15 3.91 8 19 5
Butter Teeth Dalton James 5.2 4.42 3.81 9 8 6
Entry 53202 Member 6242 5.83 4.54 3.75 2 2 7
Fly Joshunda Sanders 4.4 4.09 3.71 52 20 8
The Court Martial of Darren Sweet timothy oneill 4.8 4.3 3.6 28 14 9
Island Ecology Faith Shearin 5.5 4.3 3.58 5 13 10
Incoming Jess Greenwald 4.5 4.17 3.54 48 18 11
Limbo Babies Eileen Arthurs 4.33 4.09 3.53 55 21 12
We Are All Friends Here Mark f 4.5 4.54 3.44 45 3 13
Gumballs Member 8958 5.17 4.42 3.42 16 9 14
Entry 53233 Chris Brewer 4.4 4.31 3.37 50 11 15
Entry 53165 Henry Marchand 4.75 4.25 3.29 29 16 16
Entry 53158 Mary Lucille Hays 4.5 4.5 3.23 42 7 17
Seoul Brother Member 8741 4 4.29 3.23 69 15 18
Don't Ask Member 7378 4 4.33 3.17 68 10 19
Deep in the Secret Kingdom Michael Larson 4.2 4.2 2.89 63 17 20
Dreaming of a new dawn Nicholas MacDonnell 4.17 4.09 2.48 66 22 21
Opening Day Richard Herring 4 4.31 2.4 72 12 22
Floripondio Diana Bauza 4.5 4.08 0 49 23 23
A Bright Shining Thing Douglas Hall 4.75 4.08 0 33 24 24
Game Night Shannon Bowring 5 4 0 19 25 25
Entry 53780 Member 7466 4.4 4 0 53 26 26
Entry 53716 Audrey Kalman 4.33 4 0 57 27 27
Entry 53239 Member 8832 4.25 4 0 61 28 28
Entry 53796 Laura Rocha 4.67 3.92 0 37 29 29
Sally and the Goldfish Member 9101 4.6 3.92 0 40 30 30
Damn That Margery Nolan! Rhonda Zimlich 5.2 3.92 0 12 31 31
The Cure Teresa Brandt 5 3.92 0 23 32 32
The Cheerful Spectator Caroline Mansour 4.2 3.91 0 62 33 33
Entry 53613 Member 9154 5 3.86 0 20 34 34
Entry 53594 Member 9112 4.5 3.83 0 46 35 35
Open Skies Travis Gregg 2 3.71 0 201 36 36
TWENTY SUMMERS Pamela Schuneman 5 3.7 0 17 37 37
Lessons Learned John Maki 4.4 3.69 0 54 38 38
His Son Mari Meke 2.67 3.69 0 168 39 39
Osceola Ryan Stewart 5 3.67 0 22 40 40
White Noise David Anderson 4.75 3.67 0 31 41 41
Flotsam, Jetsam, and Derelict William Schwartz 4.6 3.67 0 39 42 42
The Visit Jacquie Herz 4 3.67 0 73 43 43
FIFTY-FIVE PLUS Tanya Brooking 4.33 3.57 0 56 44 44
Gone Days AJ Powell 5 3.5 0 21 45 45
The Queen Of Diamonds Todd Allen 4.75 3.5 0 30 46 46
Animus Jimmy Burke 3.33 3.5 0 121 47 47
Muck Member 1986 5.2 3.46 0 10 48 48
Entry 53846 Member 9296 5 3.46 0 25 49 49
Entry 53255 p. a. knight 4.5 3.46 0 43 50 50
Begin Member 7639 4.6 3.38 0 38 51 51
Make Them See Member 9174 3.5 3.38 0 113 52 52
Small Town Rabbit Cynthia Katz 5.17 3.36 0 15 53 53
Petrakis John Etcheverry 4 3.36 0 77 54 54
Viva Bush Member 8070 3.67 3.36 0 100 55 55
Tug Frank Riley 4.8 3.36 0 27 56 56
Entry 53432 Tom Yori 5 3.33 0 18 57 57
Entry 53532 Member 9052 4.75 3.33 0 32 58 58
Yogurt and Mayonaise Michael Maitland 5 3.29 0 24 59 59
Entry 53439 Member 8774 5.4 3.25 0 6 60 60
Expedited Visa Program Judith Haran 4 3.25 0 71 61 61
The Prize Richard Herring 4.67 3.23 0 35 62 62
The 6 Lives of Junito Juarez Member 9168 4.25 3.17 0 60 63 63
Problems of Living Judy Geraci 5.2 3.15 0 11 64 64
Entry 53723 Member 5942 4 3.15 0 83 65 65
It's A Quarter To Three Dan Fields 4.67 3.1 0 36 66 66
Ex-con Noah Saunders 5.6 3.08 0 4 67 67
The Ticket Dalfonzo Williams 4.2 3.08 0 65 68 68
Laure Goodson Member 2527 4.25 3 0 59 69 69
Truck Stop Antwan Crump 3 3 0 156 70 70
Entry 53793 Member 7619 4.6 2.92 0 41 71 71
Rattler Chili Victor Phillips 3.67 2.92 0 99 72 72
The Office Buddy KL Duckworth 4 2.86 0 76 73 73
Watchman of the Wall Donna Wojnar Dzurilla 4.5 2.83 0 47 74 74
Entry 53703 Member 8029 3 2.83 0 153 75 75
Too Proud Nanci Lee Woody 4 2.75 0 70 76 76
Kennel Talk Kathryn Birgel 3 2.73 0 148 77 77
The Mattress KIng Walter Bowne 3.67 2.64 0 98 78 78
Mail Nicky Nicholson-Klingerman 2.67 2.62 0 169 79 79
Entry 53887 Member 2936 1.67 2.58 0 211 80 80
I only have thighs for you Diane LaDuke 4.25 2.5 0 58 81 81
Under Attack Louise Kuhlman 2.33 2.5 0 183 82 82
Entry 53626 Member 7736 2.67 2.46 0 170 83 83
Mr. President Robert Lehrman 4.2 2.42 0 64 84 84
Life Victim Lisa Overton Calvert 3 2.31 0 150 85 85
The Holder Richard Herring 4.83 2.27 0 26 86 86
Static on the 15th Member 7646 4 2.17 0 80 87 87
Timponi's Tree Jarrett Overgaag 2.33 2.17 0 184 88 88
Entry 53588 Helena Redding 1.67 2.15 0 209 89 89
Mystery Novel 1 Trisha Mukerjee 1.67 2.14 0 210 90 90
"Us?" John Bauer 1.67 2 0 208 91 91
Transformation John Stewart 1.33 1.42 0 214 92 92
Orikata (disqualified) Briana Cox 6 0 0 1 93 93
Queen of the Swampwoods (disqualified) Tali Treece 5.8 0 0 3 94 94
Entry 53867 (disqualified) Member 9336 5.33 0 0 7 95 95
Milk, Rice and Ten Rupees (disqualified) Shaurya Dimri 4.4 0 0 51 96 96
The Wake (disqualified) Laura Dzubay 4.17 0 0 67 97 97
Entry 53487 Member 9036 4 0 0 74 98 98
Entry 53519 Member 9046 4 0 0 75 99 99
"Double Jeopardy" Nick Gallup 4 0 0 78 100 100
Entry 53676 Member 8246 4 0 0 79 101 101
Entry 53710 Member 9267 4 0 0 81 102 102
Cherish Member 9256 4 0 0 82 103 103
Entry 53761 Brandon Barrett 4 0 0 84 104 104
Lucky Penny Storrs Bishop 4 0 0 85 105 105
Indigo Bunting Douglas Boatman 4 0 0 86 106 106
Dialogue G J Johnson 3.83 0 0 87 107 107
A World of Solid Colors Reams O'Neal 3.83 0 0 88 108 108
Entry 53185 Member 2159 3.8 0 0 89 109 109
Entry 53638 Member 2964 3.8 0 0 90 110 110
Deer Crossing wendy swift 3.8 0 0 91 111 111
Entry 53845 Member 4646 3.8 0 0 92 112 112
Sounding Brass, Tinkling Cymbal Johanna Lipford 3.75 0 0 93 113 113
THE CHILD VERSUS Member 4782 3.75 0 0 94 114 114
Smelling Guy Finn Briscoe 3.75 0 0 95 115 115
Holding onto Home Cynthia McGroarty 3.67 0 0 96 116 116
Entry 53281 Member 8926 3.67 0 0 97 117 117
Entry 53747 Member 9274 3.67 0 0 101 118 118
Two Confessions Kenneth Kapp 3.67 0 0 102 119 119
Fourth Grade Field Trip Angie Tonucci 3.67 0 0 103 120 120
Perambulating Jacqueline Schaalje 3.6 0 0 104 121 121
Road Conditions Sharon Reynolds 3.6 0 0 105 122 122
"Beach Party" Bill Pippin 3.6 0 0 106 123 123
Mosquito Member 9197 3.6 0 0 107 124 124
House of Vines Mitchell Kullos 3.5 0 0 108 125 125
Highlights for Children Rebecca Hope 3.5 0 0 109 126 126
Can the Church Say Amen? Brittany Williams 3.5 0 0 110 127 127
Entry 53521 Member 7706 3.5 0 0 111 128 128
Entry 53555 Mark Dostert 3.5 0 0 112 129 129
Getting Even Walker Guérard 3.5 0 0 114 130 130
Entry 53776 Cynthia Robinson Young 3.5 0 0 115 131 131
Bless Her Heart Shannon Sanders 3.4 0 0 116 132 132
Entry 53186 Alyssa Vaughn 3.4 0 0 117 133 133
The Therapist Harrison Cheung 3.4 0 0 118 134 134
The Reset Andrew Miller 3.4 0 0 119 135 135
Entry 53278 Member 8833 3.4 0 0 120 136 136
Snowball Member 9124 3.33 0 0 122 137 137
Entry 53718 Member 8030 3.33 0 0 123 138 138
Entry 53172 Member 8798 3.25 0 0 124 139 139
Entry 53319 Brett Ramseyer 3.25 0 0 125 140 140
Suspended Animation: a Love Story Ethan Milner 3.25 0 0 126 141 141
The Emperor's New Brain Bill DeArmond 3.25 0 0 127 142 142
Entry 53818 Member 9323 3.25 0 0 128 143 143
Entry 53325 Sue Stevenson 3.2 0 0 129 144 144
Bird, Brained Lorraine Babb 3.2 0 0 130 145 145
Entry 53529 Member 9043 3.2 0 0 131 146 146
Entry 53575 Member 9102 3.2 0 0 132 147 147
Entry 53154 Paul Fey 3.2 0 0 133 148 148
The Jump WILLIAM KAUFMANN 3.2 0 0 134 149 149
Entry 53275 Member 1606 3.17 0 0 135 150 150
As Expected Bruce B. Suttle 3.17 0 0 136 151 151
Entry 53665 Member 7792 3.17 0 0 137 152 152
The Reception Erin M. Chavis 3.17 0 0 138 153 153
Entry 53182 Member 8811 3 0 0 139 154 154
Entry 53284 Member 8622 3 0 0 140 155 155
Cotton Candy Jacqueline Parker 3 0 0 141 156 156
Entry 53430 R. A. Shockley 3 0 0 142 157 157
The Many Stages of Courting Death Gerard Bowlby 3 0 0 143 158 158
Entry 53463 Lorenzo Kellam 3 0 0 144 159 159
Immolation Steven Kubitza 3 0 0 145 160 160
Entry 53502 Member 9010 3 0 0 146 161 161
Gerard's Gift Trevor Khan 3 0 0 147 162 162
Beneath the Aged Oak Tree Member 6275 3 0 0 149 163 163
The Things We Love John Guchemand 3 0 0 151 164 164
Happy Union D.E. Hardy 3 0 0 152 165 165
Entry 53719 Member 9097 3 0 0 154 166 166
Entry 53735 Member 9287 3 0 0 155 167 167
THE JUDGE Ronald Nitke 3 0 0 157 168 168
Independence Day Karen Kowalski Singer 3 0 0 158 169 169
Milk Paul Vanneman 3 0 0 159 170 170
Entry 53886 Member 2657 3 0 0 160 171 171
Entry 53192 Member 8827 2.83 0 0 161 172 172
Letters From The Abyss wayne holliday 2.83 0 0 162 173 173
Gonna Be Gone Jessica Hall 2.83 0 0 163 174 174
The Kite Jack Smiles 2.8 0 0 164 175 175
IMAGINE DRAGONS Member 5912 2.8 0 0 165 176 176
Dying with Grace Rachel Schneider 2.8 0 0 166 177 177
Entry 53839 Member 8715 2.75 0 0 167 178 178
Fur Member 8650 2.6 0 0 171 179 179
Entry 53619 Member 9105 2.5 0 0 172 180 180
Entry 53653 Member 5094 2.5 0 0 173 181 181
The Coming of the Cold (disqualified) Max Albert 2.5 0 0 174 182 182
Entry 53878 Member 9341 2.5 0 0 175 183 183
YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT Member 8205 2.4 0 0 176 184 184
Sacred Ground Al King 2.4 0 0 177 185 185
Hunger Shannon Bohnen 2.4 0 0 178 186 186
Crop Damage and other stories David Grubb 2.4 0 0 179 187 187
Entry 53512 Katherine Yeh 2.4 0 0 180 188 188
Entry 53633 Tony Busnardo 2.4 0 0 181 189 189
Tributaries Joseph Moore 2.4 0 0 182 190 190
Entry 53892 Member 9055 2.33 0 0 185 191 191
DAD j hubler 2.25 0 0 186 192 192
John alyssa aleksanian 2.25 0 0 187 193 193
The Dream I Had Last Night Selena Vaughn 2.2 0 0 188 194 194
Feathers Rachel Bock 2.2 0 0 189 195 195
A Second Spring Member 9129 2.2 0 0 190 196 196
Entry 53578 Member 6234 2.17 0 0 191 197 197
Next Week Dylan Heath 2 0 0 192 198 198
Entry 53382 Member 8988 2 0 0 193 199 199
Diffazure’s swimming pool, May 03rd 2017 Member 9020 2 0 0 194 200 200
Walter Mighty – A Secret Life Joao Serro 2 0 0 195 201 201
Gut Feeling Member 7126 2 0 0 196 202 202
Entry 53571 Member 2406 2 0 0 197 203 203
Entry 53657 Member 8058 2 0 0 198 204 204
Martin's Country Diner Member 7434 2 0 0 199 205 205
THE MODERN MAN IN SEARCH OF MEANING. Ricardo Gamboa 2 0 0 200 206 206
Entry 53809 Dacoda Davis 2 0 0 202 207 207
AN OPEN WINDOW (disqualified) Jeff Hennelly 2 0 0 203 208 208
Pursuing T. Rex Member 8930 2 0 0 204 209 209
World Wheels Noah Vernau 1.83 0 0 205 210 210
The First Hunt shane king 1.8 0 0 206 211 211
The Last Meet Robert Cale 1.8 0 0 207 212 212
Fine Art Courtney Webb 1.6 0 0 212 213 213
Entry 53860 Member 9331 1.6 0 0 213 214 214
The Artists Jonah Andrist 1.25 0 0 215 215 215
Why Is Everything So Far Away? Member 8752 1.2 0 0 216 216 216
'Celtic Dream' Ariel O'Suilleabhain 1 0 0 217 217 217
Dragon Diary Member 9068 1 0 0 218 218 218
Competing Hors-serie (disqualified) Dana Neacsu 0 0 0 261 261 261
In The Kitchen (disqualified) Chaya Bhuvaneswar 0 0 0 223 223 223
Moving Mountains (disqualified) Charles Eaton 0 0 0 275 275 275
When the Sun Rises (disqualified) Alex Apuzzo 0 0 0 224 224 224
Finnigan Huxley Hafiz (disqualified) Bailey Glynn 0 0 0 250 250 250
Communion (disqualified) Jordan Humphrey 0 0 0 225 225 225
Just Another Battle (disqualified) Darriel McBride 0 0 0 264 264 264
Kneeling in the Arena (disqualified) Matt Smith 0 0 0 278 278 278
Entry 53474 (disqualified) Mark Goodson 0 0 0 249 249 249
The Two Worlds (disqualified) Michelle Burson 0 0 0 226 226 226
Things Go Sour (disqualified) Member 8819 0 0 0 227 227 227
Gossamer (disqualified) Andres Gudino 0 0 0 262 262 262
So you wish to fly? (disqualified) Member 4090 0 0 0 260 260 260
Cluster (disqualified) Albert Chu 0 0 0 259 259 259
Running Away from Circus (disqualified) Lori Nellor 0 0 0 253 253 253
Music & Mayhem (disqualified) Courtney Larsen 0 0 0 255 255 255
Entry 53523 (disqualified) Member 8336 0 0 0 256 256 256
Paper Thin (disqualified) Ron Samul 0 0 0 219 219 219
Mismatched Socks (disqualified) Eric Schultz 0 0 0 257 257 257
Purple (disqualified) Sameed Sayeed 0 0 0 263 263 263
Family (disqualified) Dan Nellor 0 0 0 252 252 252
Life on Pause (disqualified) Member 9348 0 0 0 280 280 280
Kershaw, Knighted and a Cowboy to Boot (disqualified) Tom Sheehan 0 0 0 220 220 220
Mrs. Smith's Money (disqualified) Natalie Saar 0 0 0 279 279 279
540 ° (disqualified) Nichole Charbonneau 0 0 0 221 221 221
Inheritance (disqualified) Scott Kimberly 0 0 0 251 251 251
Family Matters (disqualified) Jessika Bouvier 0 0 0 222 222 222
Entry 53191 (disqualified) Member 3864 0 0 0 228 228 228
Desperado (disqualified) Pat Hart 0 0 0 248 248 248
Tentacle (disqualified) Member 8828 0 0 0 229 229 229
Entry 53408 (disqualified) Member 8934 0 0 0 245 245 245
The Guru (disqualified) Damian Gessel 0 0 0 246 246 246
Exuses, Exuses (disqualified) Saranya Kolli 0 0 0 244 244 244
The Road to Tomorrow (disqualified) Caleb Keller 0 0 0 265 265 265
The Redundant George Washington (disqualified) Lynn Agress 0 0 0 270 270 270
Parade (disqualified) Member 9198 0 0 0 271 271 271
1369 E. 56th (disqualified) Jesse Sensibar 0 0 0 238 238 238
Entry 53303 (disqualified) Daniel Turtel 0 0 0 239 239 239
Entry 53311 (disqualified) Member 8949 0 0 0 240 240 240
Crip Cyn (disqualified) Toni K. Pacini 0 0 0 243 243 243
Humankind (disqualified) Member 8841 0 0 0 231 231 231
Entry 53669 (disqualified) Member 9209 0 0 0 272 272 272
On Such a Big Day (disqualified) Madeline Sneed 0 0 0 242 242 242
The Person in my Nightmares (disqualified) alexa wear 0 0 0 273 273 273
THE LAST TIGERS OUT OF AUSTIN, TEXAS (disqualified) phillip vine 0 0 0 237 237 237
Birds of the Industrial Revolution (disqualified) James Mullin 0 0 0 236 236 236
Retail (disqualified) Larry Smith 0 0 0 269 269 269
Little Things (disqualified) antonia alberga-parisi 0 0 0 254 254 254
I AM A HUMAN BEING (disqualified) Gem Thomas 0 0 0 266 266 266
Tqco Dreams (disqualified) William Torphy 0 0 0 230 230 230
Lida (disqualified) Belal Rafiq 0 0 0 277 277 277
Code Name: Angel (disqualified) Member 8063 0 0 0 247 247 247
Finding is Losing Something Else (disqualified) Jen Le 0 0 0 258 258 258
Mr. Moore (disqualified) Karla Keffer 0 0 0 267 267 267
Entry 53762 (disqualified) Member 9298 0 0 0 276 276 276
Best President Ever (disqualified) John Ogilvie 0 0 0 232 232 232
Entry 53212 (disqualified) Kerry Cullen 0 0 0 233 233 233
Exit Plan (disqualified) Mary Nelligan 0 0 0 241 241 241
Entry 53610 (disqualified) Member 9149 0 0 0 268 268 268
Everywhere All the Time (disqualified) Elizabeth Pipher 0 0 0 234 234 234
Entry 53251 (disqualified) Member 8888 0 0 0 235 235 235
Entry 53675 (disqualified) Member 9225 0 0 0 274 274 274