Issue No. 24: Summer 2024

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A disgraced newspaper reporter is just trying to catch a break. A schoolteacher ponders the power of words by reflecting on her past, present, and future. An army veteran inhabits the lives of others to escape his own.
The twenty-fourth issue of Sixfold contains thirty works of fiction and poetry from both new and returning contributors. Exploring themes of grief, longing, and ambition, the writings included here, though they vary in style and genre, showcase the universality of human struggle and human perseverance.
These works were finalists in the Summer 2024 vote, and were democratically chosen by hundreds of other writers for inclusion in this collection.
- Anna Leonard
- Anna Sones
- Anne Marie Wells
- Caitlin Gillmett
- Christina Hauck
- Conor Hogan
- Daniel Brown
- Danielle Knaeble
- Daphne Tsai
- Debbra Palmer
- Eshawn Rawlley
- Gwen Mullins
- Jamie Ross
- Jeff Lombardo
- Jeff Markowski
- Jenny Morelli
- Julia Schneider
- Kendra Brooks
- Mark Yakich
- Mike Rizzo
- Nancy K. Martin
- Nikki Miller-Rose
- Noreen Graf
- Philip Lisi
- R.S. Devereaux
- Richard Baldo
- Sahil Mehta
- Santiago Levon Simonian
- Sean Marciniak
- Steve Meldrom